Eyelights in Life
Eyelights in Learning
Seeing is our dominant sense and primary source for gathering information in learning. Vision problems can have a profound effect on how a child learns. A vision problem can be easily mistaken for a learning problem. For example, children who have visual problems often can’t stay focused on their school work or task at hand. They may be misdiagnosed as ADHD because children with ADHD elicit the same problems in the same areas.
“Untreated eye conditions can worsen and lead to other serious problems, as well as affect learning ability, athletic performance, and self-esteem.” Children and Eye Problems, Prevent Blindness America, 2000
Eyelights therapy will strengthen the weaker eye and help correct many vision problems that may contribute to a child’s learning abilities.
Increase Serotonin Production
Children who are diagnosed with learning disabilities have a neurotransmitter imbalanceand are often not producing enough serotonin. Serotonin is a major chemical in the brain involved in communication between nerves. It is involved in controlling emotions, ability to pay attention, motivation to do things, and ability to think before acting.
Drugs such as Ritalin are used to stimulate the brain into producing elevated levels of serotonin. However, these drugs can cause serious side effects such as tics, insomnia, dependency, and a dramatic decrease in appetite which can lead to stunted growth.Eyelights can promote serotonin production naturally, without the side effects caused by drugs. Eyelights excite the receptors at the back of the retina, which in turn fire to the brain stem in three different areas. One of these areas is the pons, which stimulates A7 and A8 cells into producing serotonin.
Recent studies have shown that children who play video games end up with increased serotonin levels. Again, this is what Eyelights achieves naturally with its light pulses to the brain, while allowing a child to study or play a sport at the same time.
Eyelights in Sports
Do you want to increase your ability to kick a soccer ball, hit a baseball, throw a football, or sink a putt? Eyelights can help you do all that and more. In order for your body to perform at its optimal level, your brain must be working at its optimal level. Right now only half of your brain is functioning at its highest level. Just imagine what you can accomplish on the field if your entire brain is working its hardest.
Everyone has one side of the brain that functions at a higher level than the other (this would be considered your dominant side). Eyelights were designed as glasses emitting light pulses because one of the most direct avenues to the brain is via the eye. By stimulating the non-dominant side of your brain, you allow it to become stronger, thus improving overall performance.
Increase Dopamine Production
Dopamine in the brain controls motor function and strength of muscle. Eyelights stimulate A9 and A10 cells, located in the mesencephalon of the brain, into producing higher levels of dopamine. Higher dopamine levels can increase a child’s ability to kick a soccer ball, hit a baseball, or throw a football.
Many athletes are wearing Eyelights to help improve their game. Before the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, members of the U.S. Women’s Swim Team were outfitted with the glasses and several went on to win gold medals. One Olympic gold medal swimmer, Lars Frolander from Sweden, was one of the people initially responsible for the research and development of Eyelights. He had begun to see a decrease in his level of athletic performance and sought treatment from Dr. Peter Jaillet, inventor of Eyelights. During the course of treatment, Dr. Jaillet found that light therapy worked best at increasing his physical abilities in and out of the pool. Because Lars often traveled around the world for competitions, he needed portability to the therapy he was receiving in the office. Thus, Eyelights were born!

Change in Gait Patterns
If an athlete has a non-dominant right eye, there will be a weakness of the back muscles on the right side, resulting in decreased tone on that side and increased tone on the dominant side. This causes a shortened gait pattern to occur on dominant side (left), while the non-dominant side has a longer stride. The result is abnormal or uncoordinated movement due to the rotation of the pelvis. Eyelights can stabilize the midline so that both sides become equal and a change in gait pattern occurs.
Many Athletes are Wearing Eyelights Many athletes are wearing Eyelights to help improve their game:
- Pro baseball
- Football
- Soccer
- NBA referees
- Bull-riders
- Gold Medal Olympic swimmers
- Weightlifters
- Pro golfers
- Hockey players
- NCAA champions
- Track & Field athletes
Even Olympic athletes who are at the top of their game are using Eyelights. Before the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, members of the U.S. women’s swim team were outfitted with the glasses. Several went on to win gold medals. Eyelights can give you the added edge in sports where tenths of seconds matter most.