How Can Eyelights Help?
How Can Eyelights Help?

Many symptoms of ADHD are similar to those associated with binocular vision problems, such as convergence insufficiency and accommodative problems. Eyelights therapy can help strengthen the weaker eye muscle by stimulating the visual system. Light therapy causes global excitation of the brain, creating elevated levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. Studies show that color can also have a profound effect on behavioral and learning problems. Certain colors can reduce hyperactivity, increase attention span, and improve speed and accuracy.

Dyslexics have an abnormality that slows down the magno cell pathway, located in the thalamus, that does fast processing for perceiving position, motion, shape, and low contrast. Eyelights therapy increases cellular activity within the thalamus, enhancing magno cell function and improving perception of visual stimuli. It has been found that 87% of reading disabled children show an improvement in comprehension while reading with blue filters. It is thought that a blue filter removes enough of the red in what a person sees, allowing the magno cells to work properly.

Brain cells die when they no longer receive oxygen and nutrients from the blood or there is sudden bleeding into or around the brain. Light therapy can excite the cells around the damaged area, minimizing further degradation of tissues and neurons. The excitation of cells can enhance the comeback and maturation of the damaged area to help improve mental, physical, and cognitive losses.

Multiple Sclerosis
In MS, myelin, the fatty substance coating our nerves and enabling them to conduct impulses between the brain and other parts of the body, is destroyed. Light therapy can help sustain myelination by exciting the cerebellum and stimulating cells into producing proteins in order to stay healthy. This stimulation also helps to stabilize muscles of the spine, allowing for better integrity of mid-line structures.

In autism, a circuit involving the thalamus and frontal lobe of the brain functions abnormally. Many autistic children exhibit sensory integration dysfunction, where problems exist in integrating information coming in from each of their senses. Eyelights therapy stimulates the entire thalamus, creating a cascade of excitation and activity that eventually reaches each of our senses, resulting in a better ability to coordinate sensory information.